A summer camp opportunity that gives students the tools to stand out and navigate successfully in our world today. As with all Grasshopper camps, your child will learn these skills in a fun and age-appropriate way!
Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
Increase Social Skills
Invite Opportunity
Build Self-Confidence
Kids today are immersed in social media, cell phones and a very fast paced and impatient world. It’s seems like a different era… but is it?
Manners and Etiquette are still the KEY to opening doors of opportunity and learning to respect and honor others.
In Pass the Potatoes, Please campers will learn how to speak to adults and friends, be a host and a guest, use proper table manners, start and successfully engage in conversation, and properly use verbal and non-verbal communication including written invitations, thank you notes, gestures, eye contact, cues, and texting/phone etiquette…
all in a fun, engaging and non-threatening atmosphere.
“My son and I both appreciated the class in various ways. I like that it has been reinforced to him that manners matter, and I think practice helps. He’s a very rules/games oriented kid and I think it helps for him to have the nuances spelled out. You also cover some very good topics that fall in the gaps. We all teach our kids to say please or thank you, but how often do they see introductions being modeled? These are all good situations to prepare for.
Miles was not crazy about starting the class when I first signed him up, but he warmed up to it, and he absolutely loved hosting the party and has been talking about it for the last couple of days. One funny moment was a couple of weeks ago when he reminded me “manners matter!” when I didn’t do something quite right! Also, coincidentally, a lady from an adjoining table at a restaurant came over and complimented my children on their manners! She said she heard how respectful they were of the waitress who had delivered their milkshakes (they said thank you very loudly!) and she really liked it. Both my kids looked a little shocked that people actually notice these things. 😊 I think it is great when people reinforce good behaviours with feedback like that, and I think I’ll do more of it myself. I’ve also built on the idea of being a good host – not just at parties but at play dates, etc. I’ve had this conversation with him many times over the years, but when I framed it in terms of “like hosting a party like you did the other day” there was a whole new level of understanding because of his experience in your class.” CY G, Parent of Miles